Monday, February 13, 2006

In memory of Hailey Olivia

We all have at times taken life for granted, okay well most of the time. You may not realize how often you do it, But then oneday something happens and hits you to make you realize how much you really do take for granted.I'm not sure if this is the proper way to go about feeling the pain or venting the frustration,But in doing so if I can differ one person then job well done! On January 16,2006 we lost our little girl.She was only 21 months. When she was born I knew she was an angel. She lit everyone's life up,even if you only met her for 5 minutes.She was so unique.There was this glow to her that no matter what kind of mood you were in she would turn it around to only a positive happy mood.I now look at pictures of her and there is this twinkle in her eyes and her smile can only make one smile.I miss her so much I cannot even begin to put it into words. We lost our little girl out of no where. She was at the doctors not even 1 hour before she was taken from our world.The day after we lost her my question was,why were we given two years with her to only have her taken away from us? I no longer ask that question, Those two years mean the world to me and there is nothing I would do to change them.She was taken from me but those memories can never be. She can never be erased from our hearts or minds. I look back to the sleepless nights from when she was sick or just didn't feel like sleeping and I enjoyed that time with her,As exhausted as I was I never let her know it. In the short time she was here,she had a wonderful life.She made our lives wonderful.She touched all of us. Everyone gets caught in the day to day rut. I can only tell you that work, overtime, house work, etc. will all be there tomorrow or the next day. Life is way too short to waste time or take it for granted. Had I known that she was going to be taken from me that day at that time, The things I would have done differently.The night before I would have never went to bed I would have slept with her,Tried to keep her awake to get those extra couple of hours with her or even just watched her sleep one last time.Work,I would have never went, I'm sure we all have things we can do differently from time to time. Take the the time, Who knows you too may have an angel in disguise.


Blogger Donielle Wilkinson said...

What a precious doll. My favorite memory of Hailey was when she came to Justin's christening in her "Totally Pink" outfit. What a little beauty queen....she was in pink from head to toe!! Even her little suede boots were pink! :-) She had so much fun on that dance floor...jumping and dancing. That precious little angel is watching over all of us.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donielle,you have no idea what that video means to us I thank you you all so much! It's like her 30 seconds of fame!She did look adorable that day,I must admit!Thank you again!!She had a blast that day, all you hear on that video is her screaming as she ran accross the dance floor!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Darlene S. said...

I am so sorry for your lose! Life is precious and we do take it for granted sometimes. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for every minute and moment we are blessed to have with those that we love. You are such an inspiration!

Thank you for giving me a good cry today. God bless you!

3:04 PM  

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