Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hug And Kiss Her For Us

I can't explain the feeling inside. Sometimes I feel like my throat is closing. On Saturday Phil's father passed away. I hope they are together. Hailey sitting on Pop's lap, running around with him, Having fun. I can see Hailey when he got there saying"Pop,Pop!!" and running over to him. She used to do that when I would pick her up from day care. I would walk in and the teacher would go in to get her, she would walk out and spot me and scream "mommy, mommy" and run to jump into my arms.Oh the heart she pulled out of me when she left is unbelievable. She was and always will be my inspiration. I hurt and we all hurt because she touched all of us in so many ways, however when you hurt you have no choice but to think of that little bug's smile.As I was saying she's not alone anymore, there's someone there that she knows now, someone she enjoyed spending time with. I feel like she is safe now,a familiar face!Hailey, you have no idea how much we love you and miss you! I just wish I could hold you and squeeze you, tell you how much I love you as I tickle you on the dressing table, while changing your diaper again. We had so many good times and so many laughs! You always made me laugh. I was sick in bed, couldn't move and there you appeared in the doorway and said"mommy, hi mommy", you wanted to get in the bed with me and I was so sick and tried so hard not to get you sick. But you wanted to be in there with me and you would not accept no as an answer. I love you kid, We all love you. Pop you are as well missed, I never knew such a well respected man. To have you as a grandfather and most of all a wonderful great grandfather to my children is and always will be an honor!! Please take care of her, she adored you and from what I was told you adored her. I almost feel funny saying this, because by no means am I happy about losing either one of you, however I feel better in the aspect that you both have one another there. I'm jealous, damn it! Hug her for us, kiss her for us and make sure you both know how everyone loves you both!!
(Look at the chub in this picture,Oh I loved it, I loved the rolls and the pudgie cheeks!!)She loved to eat,just like her mommy!!)


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