Living in Her Honor

Funny how your life can change in the blink of an eye......relationships end, people leave for reasons like Hailey left etc......Life just changes every so often and its amazing how sometimes it can be wonderful changes and other can be horrifying. I guess thats the way we learn....
I learned a tremendous amount of lessons by losing my daughter. Some people will take thos lessons learned and live by them and others will take them for a moment and forget about them.
As I said I live by the lessons I have learned from losing my little Bug and one is that life can be pulled from you tomorrow. Be happy, be happy with your life, live everyday to the fullest! Don't get tangled in lifes ruts that can sometimes come your way with out you even realizing it came.
I miss her and I live in her honor day to day, there are times where I do things and have to wonder and say to myself "Would she be mad at me for this?"She might or she might not, but living in her honor means I have to be happy, I have to wake up happy and go to bed happy and if I'm not I'm not living in her honor or learning from any lessons of losing her.
She was such a happy baby and had a sparkle in her eye, that could light up a room without her even trying and when I feel unhappy or I see I'm not happy about something, I think of her and do my best to fix it.
You have been through one of the most challenging things a mother/person could go through, and I admire your strength and your heart. Lessons are learned from life experiences. These experiences form the people we become. I am glad to know that you are living 'happy' in Hailey's honor...she is probably very proud of you for being strong enough to do that everyday. I know how much you love and miss her..that goes without saying. She smiles down on you, loving you just as much! She is never far from our thoughts.
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