Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sesame Place

If you look closely you can see Hailey is wearing one of those leashes for kids. We were in Sesame Place and I was so worried someone was going to try and take her from me. Before we left I went and bought one of them.It stayed on her the entire time, again because I thought I could prevent someone from taking my daughter. She remained in her stroller strapped in, with the leash on her wrapped around my hand.I was in my home and someone took her from me! I feel like a little kid, because no matter how hard I try I cannot understand this.Look at the two of them, how do you take them from one another? I miss seeing them play together. They would have so much fun.Don't get me wrong Alex could scootch,and so could she.:) We went down to the cemetery today, and in leaving there, I thought to myself I want to go home,but not talking about I wanted to leave the cemetery and literally go home. I meant as though I want my home back with my two children in it. I want to go back home!!I cannot explain the emotion day in and day out. She was and always will be amazing.I cannot stand being in this house with out her. I hate coming home from work and not having her run to the door screaming my name,I hate being able to sleep past 8:00 a.m. on the weekends.I hate not having her here. It's not fair, why does everyone else get to watch their daughters grow up?I look at these idiots who are trying to drown their children,how is it that they get that option. They get the option to keep and watch their child grow up and yet they make the decision to kill their child.Aren't there enough of those situations, and yet he still had to take my daughter from us?


Blogger Donielle Wilkinson said...

I can't stop crying when I read your entries...I am so angry with God. I can't even begin to imagine your anger and frustration. You do everything to keep your child safe and than one day out of no-where, he takes her. I just can't wrap my head around it. There are freaks out there that don't even want their children and treat them like garbage. Why are they still with their children?!?! It all makes no sense to me. I could scream. I wish there was something I could do to take the pain away for you...even for just one moment. You are always on my mind, I am ALWAYS here for you. xoxoxoxo

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah,that's what I was just saying to Frank the other night.Someone just leaves there newborn in the middle of the road,don't people realize what they have??Life is so special and so short. Who are they to make the decision for an innocent child?What happend to if you don't want your child after you deliver putting it up for adoption-but no,they have the outlook that if they don't want their child no one else can have it! It's so messed up Donielle,to try and relate to it would ony make us one of them. Granted there comes a point where you may get frusterated,but walk away for a minute,come back when you catch your breath.I thank you for reading this and commenting to it, I just feel like it will keep her within all of us. I think back to my baby shower and who would have thought??

7:18 PM  
Blogger Donielle Wilkinson said...

I agree- no matter how hard it is to read sometimes, it's not about us. It keeps her fresh in our minds and it gives you an outlet as well as a memoir for her. Keep the stories and pictures coming. She's in all of our hearts :-)

2:43 PM  

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