Friday, March 10, 2006

How Quickly They Grow

She smiled from the day she came into this world, and she smiled the day she left it. She is looking down at us all right now smiling but now she has her wings!! She bounces from cloud to cloud with out a worry in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so funny to see her that little. Even then she was the cutest little thing and would just brighten my day in an instant! That was when you first started bringing her here I guess. She was such a sweetheart from day one!

I'm really glad you called the other night, it was nice talking to you. It has been a while I guess, but hopefully the next time we talk won't be as long. I hope to see you soon too! I'll definitely keep sending pictures when I can and I'll keep leaving comments too...not just because you asked, but because I want to. I know you said it keeps the site and her memory going, but I want you to know she is always with me. No matter how much time passes, I will always carry her memory with me. It's funny how someone so young who was only here for such a short while could have such a large impact on someone. I'll always love and miss that little girl!

Well, I love you, Amanda. Talk to you soon.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyday is different.What gets me through my day is that angel.I thank God every day that I was apart of her and I was there every day!!I loved to come in to hear her calling "Mimi,Mimi!!", and see the big smile on her face.After school I would bring Alex home and there she would be at the window so happy to see him!! I loved watching them play and then she would stop as soon as she would hear your car pull up in the driveway,run to the door and watch you come through it, and both of your faces would light up!!

3:03 PM  

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