Monday, March 20, 2006


You would be surprised what your brain does when something like this happens. It's like different phases. First this wall comes over you and you feel numb,where your body doesn't allow you to feel. Second, like I said before it's like vacation time. You miss that person but it's just like your separated from them for the time being,Then all of a sudden out of nowhere your brain turns everything into reality for you. It's like everything your body was protecting you from hits you like a ton of bricks!! Lastnight I went to bed crying myself to sleep,early the next morning Frank left for work. I guess after I went back to sleep I started dreaming. Basically the dream had someone in it that was dead, someone I knew from school. In my dream I was in bed sleeping and something made me awake, in front of me was a mirror,in the mirror was a little boy. It startled me, and I went "Oh my God!!", There was a little girl laying next to me. I can't remember who the little girl was,but I knew her in my dream. Anyway, a few minutes later a boy came in(the person I knew from school who is no longer with us) And he said to me, "Amanda you said something to me in school the last time I saw you and I need to know the meaning of what you said?" So I explained to him what I meant by what I said, and he said, "Okay I can cross over now, I see the light, I am not scared anymore." I said to him" Wait!! How is my little girl?" He said,"She is wonderful, She is safe and happy."I then asked him" Can you watch over her for us and let her know we love and miss her?" He said" Amanda I was assigned to her and I will watch over her."At the same time as he said those words to me, someone took their hand and ran it down the side of face, however in the middle of them sliding there hand down my face I woke up crying. It felt so real I know this sounds like you guys need to put me away but that dream felt so real, I swear I really felt someone's hand glide down the side of my face! I told everyone Monday mornings are the worst for me and when I woke up this morning I felt reassured, I felt like she was safe and I didn't have to worry about her. Sometimes I look up at the sky and wonder if she's playing on the clouds? Sometimes I look up and wonder if she's looking down crying for me? Is my little girl up there crying for me and there is nothing I can do? I feel helpless, through this whole thing I have felt helpless! I couldn't find a doctor that could make her better, I couldn't save her from leaving our world that night, I couldn't save her from anything that was thrown at me. I felt helpless as a mother!! I was in the mall the other day, and they had a little stuffed rabbit with a dress on, that had her name embroidered into it, and then they had a CD with her name on it. So I bought both, especially because it wasn't often that people spelled her name the way we spelled it. I got in the car and put the CD on and the song spoke about :Hailey you were sent here from heaven and it talked about angel wings.I don't know about anyone else but I take these things all as signs from her that she's o.k. but doesn't want to be forgotten about. And that is something I will make sure never happens. She will always be apart of us, no matter how many years surpass. She will remain in our thoughts, hearts and prayers!! I don't know, God must be pretty angry with me these days because I found when praying or talking to someone it's not him anymore, I only talk to her!! She was my world and she will always be, I will keep our chats apart of my daily routine. I miss getting down on the floor with her and cleaning up her new legos she got for Christmas, just so she could un zip the bag and dump them out again!! We would have so much fun. Sometimes when she would see me on the computer she would come in, climb on my lap and make me go to to hear Lori Berkner: I got a song in my tummy, Energy, Or I know a chicken. She loved that one she would get down off my lap so she could shake it fast with them!!We had so much fun together. I would do my exercises in the living room and she would be right there next to me doing them, we would laugh our asses off, she was more coordinated then me!! Smart little girl,She taught me quite a few things in life and those things will always be the most important lessons I have learned!! This picture was from while we were in sesame place, She loved it there!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Guilt" is the phase I feel lately. Guilt for maybe she didnt know just how much I lOVE HER! Guilt for not spending enough moments with her. Guilt for letting stupid things get in the way of not being there with her. Guilt for not pretecting you from this pain. Guilt for not being able to make this better and fix it. Guilt for knowing what Alex has to feel and remember for the rest of his life, Guilt its the lump you get in your throat, the heavyness in your chest, you head feeling like its going to explode.I am so sorry, I cant fix this I want her back!!! I want my family to be whole again. It is not fair I miss her so much, her smile, her laugh, her yell of excitment to play with kids, her little butt wiggle when she would dance. I know we will make her live on through us but I wish more than anything in this world I could get her back for you.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Please feel no guilt,everyone spent their fair share of time with her. She adored you when you were around and she knew you! I wish someone could get her back for me,but no one can! She would not want you to feel guilt, she wants everyone to be happy. I don't know his reason or method to this, however he must of had a good one. Oneday we will all know his reason. Please keep her happy memories with you, she was loved and knew how loved she was, she felt that radiate off of all of us and into her!! She was able to leave here in peace knowing how loved she was, now she is as happy as she alway was still knowing how loved and wanted she was! Our family will never be how it was, which is scarry, however we are all close and need to remain that way for her and ourselves, to get us through this tragedy! I never thought this would be something our family would experience, it's all still not real but all too real!!Always remember her and how she would scream a certain someones name everytime she would want out of the play pen. Which only tells me you did spend enough time with her!! I love you!!And without you and your husbands support I don't know if we would have gotten through this!!

4:33 PM  

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