Whelp here come the holidays...... We will be okay though, our little Hailey will get us through them torture free I have faith in her!! I am almost positive she will make or do something to make the Holidays wonderful in memory of her!! I live everyday of my life for my daughter. I am so careful of who I am, the things I do,and the things I say as I know my daughter who once was here and was able to love and love me is looking down watching every move I make. I make sure that the things I do are correct to make sure I end up with her in the end of it all. She made me and will continue to make me who I am for the rest of my life. Everyday, every moment that little girl is on my mind. Everything I see, touch, hear is some kind of reminder of our little bug!! The picture that I am going to attempt to post with this entry was this time of year last yeat, just last year I was pumpkin picking with my two children. This year there is a big part missing. She had so much fun. She was dancing, she got to see the toy trains all over the place, she got to pick up her own mini pumpkin, she danced to the band that they had playing there, and she also got to do a hayride. I am so thankful for the memories that I have. I get so angry that he took her away from us and then I stop and remind myself how I am still one up on him, I have those memories that no matter what cannot be stolen away from me. So he may have a big piece of me but he doesn't have what I have and thats those awesome happy memories!!It hurts, it hurts everyday. There isn't a day where my eyes don't fill up with tears. This weekend we were driving to the store and there was a really bad accident.A car hit a motorcycle and by the time we got to the seen, the cops were all over the road was shut doen and all you saw was the motorcycle bent in half. A year ago I would have thought to myself how sad and continued my day, however yesterday seeing that it was like I felt that families pain and as I looked around and saw all of the cops and ambulances etc.. it brought tears to my eyes. Beisdes the cops and sirens triggering my own memories but also why should any family have to experience a young loss?? Is taking the old and sick not good enough? Why does he have to take the young and innocent??
Couldn't get the picture on for some reason blogger has been giving a hard time with uploading pictures!! Sorry I will try again later!!
I know we were blessed,we had 22 months with one of his angels..who could say that got that?? I think about when I was in the car with you driving to the sun vet mall while I was pregnant with Alex and you saying to me how you could not believe everything I have had to face in life..Well look at this...who would have thought..right bob?? All of that was nonsense compared to this!! Do we truly weave our own webs,chose our own paths or is it truly faith??
I love you too!!No life certainly is not easy but I guess everything happens for a reason. I figured out many reasons of many things that have happend in life, but this is one I just can't seem to put my finger on Bob!!The scarry part is no one can. This chrstmas Frank,Alex and I will be going down to the cemetary on Christmas eve to spend some time with her and then we are taking Alex to 12:00 mass. I think that would be good for us all.I just for some reason feel like on Christmas eve I need to be there with her. Christmas eve has some meaning to me more than Christmas day for some reason. I do, I just feel like if I didn't go there on Christmas eve I would be abandoning her in some weird way shape or form. I don't regret anything I have done in life aside for the dumb things that were so completely unnecessary but all around I have been a pretty decent stand up person...so I know deep down this was not some sort of punishment for us but then why? And not only why did this happen to us but why does this happen to any family? I find myself looking at newborn babies these days and wondering is that child going to live a full life or is it going to die?? Thats is so morbid but is it normal for me to think that way? Not by any means am I wishing something to happen I just wonder to myself is this baby going to be alright in life? My next big whopping question can something happen like this again to us in one life time? If we were to have another baby can this happen again??
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