Ughhh....a sigh of relief

Sometimes I really wonder if I am making these things happen or ig my baby girl truly giving me the signs that I ask her?? Frank and I basically have decided that we want to have another baby. However we both are still scared at the same time. However lastnight I was sitting on the couch having one of my bad nights histerically crying talking out loud to her. In speaking to her I asked her to give me a sign that she is okay with us having another baby and that the new baby will be safe and healthy. Now let me take you back to another interesting story before I continue this one:Awhile back I had a dream about Hailey and it involved me naming another baby and in my dream Hailey gave me the name. So now going back to the first story I asked Hailey for that sign.... I stopped crying and stopped talking to her and started watching CSI and low and behold the person that happend to be on CSI lastnights name was the name (a different name) that Hailey gave to me. I said thank you baby girl, there is my sign that I asked for. Normally maybe I wouldn't take that as the sign I was asking for however you don't understand the name that Hailey gave to me in my dream is a name that you don't hear to often, it is a very uncommon name. I was so happy for the rest of the night and not because of the good news that she gave me, but because I really think it was her sign to me and that makes me so happy that she heard all of the things I said to her lastnight. She heard me tell her how much I love and miss her, she heard me tell her how much I want to hug and kiss her, she heard me tell her that I want her to come and most important she heard me tell her how sorry I am for not being able to help her that night. She heard me and you have no idea how special that is......................................
It sounds like you got the comfort you needed from your "Guardian Angel" from above. I am so happy to hear that just for a while you had a sense of 'relief' and she was the one to give it to you. It must have been a special moment; one only you and she could have shared. She is making miracles for you and giving your heart light and love, and I think that is a wonderful thing. She will always know;(especially from you-her Mom) how much she is thought of and loved every single day. She smiles down on you with all her love and admiration. I know you are scared about what the future holds as far as having another child, but be strong, listen to you heart and take one day at a time. You are surrounded by all who love you, please know that. Angel Girl will guide you....
That brief moment of relief felt awesome!!One day at a time is all we can do at this point, however I think we are getting anxious for some reason,Frank too. Not sure if it is because everyone around us is having little babies but for some reason we are growing quite anxious these days!! LOL!I just keep telling myself if we chose to have more children could he really allow this to happen twice to the same fmaily?? And now I also have to stop and think that we have someone up there now truly watching over all of our children!!Love you!!
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