Friday, January 19, 2007


Lastnight we were watching the movie "Firewall" and in that movie there is a part where the little boy has a peanut allergy and eats a cookie with peanuts in them, needless to say the little buy goes into anaphalantic shock(don't know how to spell that..sorry). The mother was flipping out while her son's lips were turning blue and he was not breathing. She was holding her son and talking to him and God at the same time. I guess knowing that feeling inside and watching this movie lastnight it made everything from that night with Hailey come rushing back. I went hysterical in Frank's shoulder, I was crying like a little kid, hyperventilating and all. I felt that helpless feeling again. Let me tell you, I forgot how I felt that night and now I remember all over again and it is the sickest feeling.


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