So sorry I haven't been on and added on. Doesn't mean I didn't think of her 24/7 as always however just really haven't been near a computer long enough to sit down and add. Our computer at home is dead. Anyway as you all know life has brought some interesting things our way in the past few months. We found out we are having a little girl, and I say hand selected by our little Bug!! I get scared,I get happy, I get emotional. There are just so many emotions running within that sometimes all of them combined can be over whelming. However the excitement of it all takes power and hold of me. Which I guess is a good thing. I think about certain things, such as I wonder will this baby girl have my little Hailey's spanky laugh or that pitch when she was in the play pen and would say "up, up mommy/daddy" I wonder these things and get so excited that we maybe able to hear those wonderful things again and then that's when i stop and think could it happen again?? We took every precaution but as the medical examiner told us what Hailey passed from was not something she was born with. The only thing we can keep telling ourselves at this point is we now know the signs and symptoms and we know what to accept from a doctor and what not to. I just please wish for everyone to say a little prayer that a healthy little girl be sent down to us,I think thinking that Hailey hand picked her helps make me think that she would only send a healthy baby to us. Could God put us through that twice? he himself only went through it once, could he, would he make a family suffer so bad twice?? It is scary but as Frank and I have decided we cannot live in fear, he is better at that than I!! He is my foundation, my rock, my support system and I too am his,we lean on one another. With out him I don't think I could have been half as strong as I have been. So my dear if you are reading this know I love you with all my heart!! You have molded me into the person I am today and I love you for that. I think we make a great team!! It was either going to make us or break us and look we made it, not only did we make it but we are stronger than we ever were and I think that was our little Bugs gift that she left behind. She is good at those little gifts. She leaves the for everyone you just have to know when to open your eyes and accept it from her. She'll let you know.
I love you baby girl and we miss you everyday!!! So much!! It hurts!!!
Hey Amanda,
I am so excited for the baby!! It going by so fast too. Before you know it She will be here. Everything will be perfect because Hailey is watching out for us. Miss you Bug!! I love you guys so much!! Whatever you need I am here for you. Even if you need me to weed I will. haha
Oh see I wish I would have know that the other day, I was outside weeding near the cactus and I kept getting pricked. Now I know and I will be sure to call you!! LOL!! Just kidding!!
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