Donielle got me started!!

Donielle got me started!! Donielle posted a comment on the one below this about the picture of Hailey with my bra around her neck!! So now I have to tell all the story of the bra and any other clothes she could find!! In our old house I would hang clothes that I didn't put in the dryer on a drying rack in the dining room and Hailey thought that I was hanging them for her all of the time!! Oneday I came home from work and she had a shirt of Alex's on, it was yellow witha navy stripe going through it.She wore that shirt all day and none of us could take it off of her. She walked around with that shirt daily from that day on callin herself Alex!! She adored her big brother,she idolized him, the two of them together was amazing, the most amaxing thing I ever saw. However then one weekend Hailey I guess couldn't find her shirt and decided to go to the drying rack andpick something else, whelp she came trotting into the kitchen with my bra around her neck,trippin all over it!! Frank and I were histerically laughing!! In regards to the yellow shirt Alex still has it and will never give it up!!I can't blame him because I think if he tried to give it up, I wouldn't allow it!!LOL!!!
God I miss her its amazing how you forget these things until something triggers those memories. I can only explain it as she was not ust my daughter, she was my everything!! There were many weekend when Alex would go to his dads and Frank was at work and it was always me and my bug!! We were always together!! And I loved every minute of it,I just wish I knew that I wasn't going to have forever with her. I wish I knew I wasn't going to see her grow up,watch her go to school the first time, her first best friend,her first boyfriend,her first broken heart,her prom,her graduation,her engagment,her wedding,her children etc....You don't realize the time thats is taken for granted in life until its lost...................
God I miss her its amazing how you forget these things until something triggers those memories. I can only explain it as she was not ust my daughter, she was my everything!! There were many weekend when Alex would go to his dads and Frank was at work and it was always me and my bug!! We were always together!! And I loved every minute of it,I just wish I knew that I wasn't going to have forever with her. I wish I knew I wasn't going to see her grow up,watch her go to school the first time, her first best friend,her first boyfriend,her first broken heart,her prom,her graduation,her engagment,her wedding,her children etc....You don't realize the time thats is taken for granted in life until its lost...................
Look at those chunky legs!!!! What a cutie girl! That story about her with your bra and Alex's shirt warms my heart. She is a special little girl~ i love all the pictures you share. I am always thinking of you :-) xoxoxox
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