Found pennies

Here is a poem to go with our Angel, Start saving your found pennies. Put them in a jar with Hailey’s poem. Once you have reached “your goal” Please send the money to any foundation and/or charity of your choice in Hailey Olivia Hurst’s name. Please be sure to make an extra copy of this poem to mail with you donation.
I found a penny today
Just laying on the ground
But it’s not just a penny
This little coin I’ve found
Found pennies come from heaven
That’s what my Grandpa told me
He said Angel’s toss them down
Oh, How I loved that story
He said when an Angel misses you
They toss a penny down
Sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown
So, don’t pass by that penny
When you’re feeling blue
It may be a penny from Heaven
That an Angel's tossed to you.
If you do not know of a childrens foundation:
The Children's Foundation Of Suffolk Inc.
1718 Church Street
Holbrook, N.Y., 11741
that is just so sweet!
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