Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday dear Hailey
Happy Birthday to you

The song is not supposed to end there.....

Where do I begin, Today was hard. Frank,Alex and I stayed home together today. I so wish I could see her blow her candles out and turn 2. Hailey you are our sunshine!! Everynight before she ran out of her room to say "Goodnight to the moon" There was a little sun on her wall as you walked out and when you pushed the center of the sun it was the music for You are my sunshine. Everynight I would press it and sing it to her. If I only pressed it and didn't sing it to her she would rock in my arms until I did. If we couldn't get her to willingly and happily come out of the bath tub, We would say "Come on Hailey wanna brush your teeth", and she would say "teeth, teeth", and bug out until you took her out of the tub to brush her teeth. She left some scar, She ripped our hearts out.

Hailey- Mommy, Daddy and Alex just want you to know how much we miss you and love you. We hope you had a great birthday! We are curious as to what God does for you for your birthday?? I hope you saw us down to see you today and saw all the wonderful things everyone brought you. All your friends at daycare miss you, I went there the otherday to see them. I love you baby girl and please know that no matter what it is, or where we are you are always on our minds. Had you been here with us for your birthday we would have gotten you one of those big plastic houses for your kitchen set to go in that we got you for Christmas!! I had it all planned out. It's not fair, I hate this empty feeling, I hate this lost feeling. I cannot understand why-why did you leave, why did he take you from us, why couldn't the doctors figure out what was wrong?? Did I not take you often enough? Was it something I missed? Hailey where ever you may be please know we love you, please know if we could take all, the positives out of life in general to get you back we would. I cry and I sit here and cry and wonder where you are and who is taking care of our angel? I am so worried about you and scared. I am so scared that oneday my strength is going to collapse and I will not be able to function day to day. I need you more than anything and it hurts that as two parents there was nothing we could have done, we couldn't help you. We are so sorry for that. I only hope you are where ever we are and that you follow us day to day and see how our lives will never be the same with out you, little birthday girl!! My little girl would have been 2 today, yet she wasn't here to celebrate it with us, 2 years old and gone already!!

Happy Birthday baby girl-XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Lots Of 'Em

You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skys are gray
you'll never know dear how much I love you
so please don't take my sunshine away..............................


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