Thursday, April 13, 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda,The picture of Hailey wearing her life jacket looks so uncomfortable.How ever when Frank was holding over the side of John's inflatable raft with her feet in the water No life jacket would stop her from laughing.She got so mad when Frank pulled her inside the boat.Hailey loved water so much from bathing her to the pool on poppy's boat.In early Jan.poppy and Hailey spend some time on the slide at Cory beach. Until she wanted her feet in the water. Well she settled for throwing rocks in the water.When we went for more rocks she went nuts until we went back to the water.Poppy had some job getting Hailey to leave that day!! Poppy&Mimi miss her every second of the day&night we miss the Bug! LOVE,Phil

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She looked very uncomfortable in that life jacket, but she knew what was happening when we put her in it and she would just smile because she knew she was going in the water. She just didn't get enough time in the water!! She loved Corey I remember the first time she ever went down, I took her down there and she did not want to leave, but at the same time she didn't want to walk in the sand!! :) We miss her too, I don't think time will ever make this feeling go away, she was so special and so unique and I don't understand it nor will I ever.She was my best friend I put my heart and soul into her and I don't understand why he took that away from us??? I cannot fatham our future without her, but we are doing it because we have to. She was our world, no matter where I went or what I did she was at my side, aside from work. I am so grateful for the time I had with her and will cherish every memory. I will never wonder why he only gave us 21 months with her, I will only appreciate those 21 months as she made us all who we are today!!

9:40 AM  

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