Friday, August 04, 2006

Rough Night's

Last night was a terrible one for me. Frank was in the shower I finished cleaning up the house. I went upstairs and had to close all of the blinds and found myself in her room or what would have been her room!! I began smelling her sheet on her mattress and even after the move it still smells like her. That is all I have aside from the ripped clothes from the hospital that night. However getting back to the mattress sheet, when I smelled it I was not prepared for the repercussions. I sat in that room for I cannot tell you how long balling my eyes out, Frank finally found me and came in there with me. It just will never get better. I figured that out last night, she was only apart of us for such a short period of time, however left behind so many wonderful memories. You cannot imagine the pain that is felt day in and day out not having her here, she brightened my day daily. I could not want to get out of bed in the morning, but then I would hear "Mommy, Moommy,Mooommmyyy........ from the crib and I would smile and say "comin Bug!!" What I would do to have one more morning with that!!You don't forget the memories and you don't forget the person, however for some reason I cannot hear her voice and it is driving me crazy. I want to hear her, occasionally I will hear her in my head when I am thinkin about it how she used to say "up, up, mommy", from the play pen. Or when she was in the back seat of the car mimicking the train on our way home from Sesame Place. She had Frank, Alex and I hysterical!! She was always good at making you laugh. She was attached to my hip, when I got sick and couldn't be around her for a couple of days, I was locked in my bedroom and she would come by the door and wait to see if I was going to open it and if she heard movement or me talk to call Frank in she would freak and start screaming my name. She was and still is my best friend and it just sucks that someone could take that away from us!!

I'm sure you have read the poems that are on the site I wish I could take credit for some of them however I found them online. I received a junk Yahoo email the oneday and attached to it was these poems and all I could say was "Wow!!" What made these poem get emailed to me in my junk email box??


To All Parents:

"I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine ",He said
"for you to love the while she lives and mourn for when she's dead.
It may be six or seven years,or twenty two or three,
But will you, till I call her back take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you,
and shall her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise she will stay, since all from earth return
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over
In my Search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes
I have selected you
Now will you give her all your love
Nor think the labor vain
Nor hate me when I come to call to take her back again?

I fancied that I heard them say" Dear Lord, Thy will be done!"
For all the joy thy child shall bring.
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness,we'll love her while we may
And for the hapiness we've known
forever grateful stay
But shall the angels call for her much sooner than we've planned

We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The poems are amazing at that one to all parents struck me in away that I cannot explain Bob.. It's like thinking of it that way doesn't make it right but makes me feel better in the aspect of knowing that I was able to teach her that final lesson she needed. Maybe me saying I want her to come back home is incorrect maybe she needed all of us to get her home and maybe she helped us make our way to that home when the time comes. I just sit there from time to time wondering does she watch my daily decisions,does he watch my reactions to things, does she see us hurting without her? Are all these things something she sees from up there? Is she influencing our daily schedules and what happens to us all day to day. For example did she say hey thats my family down there make all these terrible hurricanes we were supposed to get go away!!Janessa brought that to my attention!! I know it sounds silly but I don't know,Is she looking out for all of our best interests now that she supposedly is in a better place in control?? And then I go back to the doctors not picking so many things up and it's like well if they had picked that up she would still be here with us and that whole other theory goes out the window.I guess it totally falls out to be your final belief in life. I just don't know what mine is yet at this point.Being alone for me sometimes is good as I vent, last night however it was like I was waiting for something to happen,like some kind of sign from her to tell me Mommy your ok, and then the final out come was Frank coming in and finding me and I realized I wanted his attention too,I needed him to console me. How do I expect that from him, he is dealing with all of this too....Yet I have to be happy that we are able to give it to one another.I do want someone there with me sometimes to fall in her room and cry with me and I know he will never do that, therefore I am on my own with that one, b/c I don't want it to be so many other people, but then there are a few I would want it to be.It's so crazy.I know I sound like a mess,but I can't explain it.I think back to when I was a little girl playing in your makeup,sitting on Steven's lap and I could never imagine me ever having to deal with this.What made me be the one? What makes me so different from everyone else? I will never say why me? Because I would never want to lose the time I did have with her,but how does something like this happen? I need to know if anyone ever has a dream about her with her in it, reason being b/c I will have dreams with her in them however I can never see her face,it is either the back of her or the sun is in my eyes and I cannot see her face!! It drives me nuts!!I have relief, I get my relief when I have something to fall on, like the other day when I was at the cemetery and there were three butterflies down there when I got there,Once I got over to her spot, One flew off and sat on top of another stone, the other just kind of fluttered around the place, and the other sat on the ground next to me the entire time I was there. It didn't leave my side. When things like that happen I get relief , I might be a mess for a little while, but it is a good mess. I am so glad I can talk to you about all of this because sometimes I feel like I talk about it too much with certain people and they just don't want to hear it anymore and I feel uncomfortable and knowing all the people that respond I can talk to because they visit her sight daily to hear me-ya know? I love you Bob!!

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank You!! I miss those days, I miss when we were all as you said it "a family"!! But like we always sy everything happens for a reason!! I thank God you got to meet her and hold her. I thank God that she got to pick at Delaney's head and pretend she was eating whatever she thought she was pulling out!! LOL!! Those are memories that no one can take away no matter how hard they should try!!I thank God I have a such a loving family around me b/c I don't think I could hyave done this with out you guys!!There made be a void of time but there is no void in love!!You basically grew with me, you were older but I looked up to you, you were always the image I wanted to be!!I loved getting into that room!!LOL!!

3:30 PM  

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