
So I didn't get on here for her Birthday, her 5th birthday 4/12/09 however I did go down and see you along with many others!! :) She had lots of Birthday presents down by her, thank you to everyone who thought of my Bug on Easter/her Birthday!!
Not a day goes by where I don't think of her or talk to her for that matter however I do have to admit...people said that as time went by it wouldn't hurt so much. Its not that I hurt less because I miss her daily and have to wonder every year on her birthday, what she would be doing, what Kind of birthday party would she have wanted and my biggest wonder....what would she look like??? But time has brought me to a better place. Time has brought me less anger and I don't search for the unanswered anymore. My questions will oneday be answered and I am certainly not looking for them to come any sooner then when they are supposed to. She is gone but forever will be in our hearts.
I am also thankful for the person she made me today. Hailey brought me to a place in life where I have learned you can't sweat the small stuff.....Just kind of roll through it and eventually it will all work out. Don't get me wronf I stress and I tense up but for the most part I have learned lifes greatest lesson.....Your only here once....live it, love it and be happy!!
Happy Birthday my hailey bug!!!!