Memories, the good and the bad!

I don't know sometimes about the emotions that run through me!! It could be completely out of nowhere! The other night I was sitting with Frank at the kitchen table feeding the baby, all of a sudden the tears just started to flow. He looked at me and asked "what is wrong?" I couldn't answer him at first because it took a minute for me to realize that I was crying about my missing angel girl........ She just hit me that night like a ton of bricks. Its hurts and there is nothing to soothe that pain when you feel it!! I miss her, I miss her everyday of my life. She will never be out of my heart and every day that I wake up I begin to realize that more and more. It hurts that I can't remember things.. I can't remember how she talked, other than certain things she said, I can't remember how she felt, I can't remember if I hugged her that day or even if I kissed her. The part that I can remember is her going limp in my arms, her turning bright red and sticking her hands in her mouth....How come I can remember all the bad things from that night and they constantly replay in my head yet I cannot remember all of the good???Someone shed some light on that for me...because it almost feels like because I can't remember all of the good yet I can remember the bad that it was all a dream, this little girl that I love more than anything and thought I had this close bond with.........did I??? Was I there enough, these are all things you begin to question........
I love you baby girl!!!