The Move

Whelp we are in the new house,exciting, however I feel like something is missing-Gee I wonder what that could be?? I knew I was going to have a tough time leaving the old house and starting a fresh here, however I feel like we left her behind!! Today was a rough day!! I woke up this morning thinking I had so many things to do, and all of a sudden everything cancelled. It then left me home alone. Alex was at his dad's and Frank was at work. I was sitting on the couch and all of a sudden got really upset. So I said to myself obviously this is Hailey's way of saying Mommy come and visit me. So I got in my car and went to visit her. When I got down there the pin wheels started going nuts, Frank and I use that as like when they spin she knows we are down there,yeah I know sounds crazy but whatever makes you feel better-right?? So I got so upset down there today, I don't know why but lately it's been bad. It seems like the holidays are going to be tough. Even though it's only the fourth of July, it still hurts that she's not here to experience it!! I just think what would she be doing right now in the new house. I can see her now prancing her ruby red slippers all over the wood floors to hear the noise they would make!! Or she would stand on the marble piece in front of the fireplace and try and jump off!! God-I wonder how she would do on the stairs!! She would have a field day only there's one problem-she's not here to have it!! Can you believe the medical examiner still has not given us answers?? Hailey bug Mommy,Daddy and Alex miss you so much and I hope you don't think we left you behind in the other house you are always with us no matter where we go!! FOREVER!!