Things I Need To Say......

God Bug!! I miss you so much!! I just wish I could hold you and love you for a little bit longer!! I look at pictures of you and I can't wrap myself around any of this. I can't figure out if we did something or didn't do enough for you? Was it something genetic? Was it something between Daddy and I that just doesn't mix? I can't under stand how or why, but there I go again torturing myself because these answers I will never have. Alex and I were talking in the doctors office lastnight and I asked him what he was getting me for Chrsitmas and he told me he got it already, I asked him if he was getting you back for me and he said "Mommy I ask everynight for us to have her back". I then asked him if he had you here today, what would he do with you, and his reply was" I would play with her until she fell asleep with me!!" I picture the two of you playing in the new house together and it sucks that your not here anymore!! AWhy did you leave bug?? Why?? You completed us all!! We are sorting through things with someone trying to get answers for this Bug, don't think for a second we are just accepting this without a fight because we won't!! You should know us better than that ecspecially that Daddy of yours!! He feels helpless that he can't get you back for me and Alex never mind himself!! You know him would do anything for the three of us at all times and I know this has to be driving him nuts that he is completely not in control of this one!! I think since you left us though you have made alot of positive things happen for us and I do appreciate that however I would much rather have you back though!! =) But I'm sure you know that!! I hope you like that Christmas tree, I can picture you just staring at it with that gleam and glitter in your eyes!! Anything you were interested and enjoyed looking at you always had that gleam and glow in those beautiful angel eyes of yours!! I need you to come and let us know that Christmas eve you are there with us all as well as Christmas morning!! There will be present sunder the tree for you with your name on them!! I promise!! I miss you baby girl!! Starting to go cross eyed now. Can't see the keyboard..I love you baby!! Oh wait forgot to tell you, I had a license plate made up for the truck, it says mismybug!!